Because flooding is our Country’s #1 natural disaster, Mazomanie would like to make everyone aware of the hazards and provide as much information as possible.
It is important to know the flood hazard area we have locally. Black Earth Creek occasionally floods during heavy rain events and during the spring thaw. The last major flood Mazomanie experienced was August 21, 2018 when approximately a third of the Village was underwater. There was a moderate flood on March 14, 2019 with 3 street closures and water encroaching on some homes.
To find out if your property is in the floodplain you can search by address at this link
You should be aware that Homeowner’s or Renter’s Insurance does not cover losses due to flooding. For coverage you need to obtain flood insurance. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is available in our Village; contact your agent for more information. You need to know that there is a 30 day waiting period and while structures are covered, coverage of contents usually needs another policy. For more information please go to:
Protect yourself and property. If you know flooding is possible, shut off the gas and electricity, and move valuable contents to the highest floor. There is usually not much warning for a flood, so prepare a checklist in advance.
Protect yourself and others during an evacuation. Plan your escape route to higher ground ahead of time. Do not drive in flooded areas. Do not drive around road barricades. Stay away from downed power lines. Be even more cautious at night, and other times when visibility is restricted. For a map of likely areas of flooding please click on this link for a map of Flood Hazards from the Mazomanie Annex of Dane County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. FLOOD HAZARD MAP
It is possible to plan ahead and protect your property well before a flood event. For ideas and information about being proactive check this link:
All development in the floodplain requires a permit from the Village. One can be obtained from the Village’s Building Inspector, Johnson Inspection LLC, 608-444-0372. Any concerns about illegal floodplain development can be brought to the Building Inspector or the Village Office 608-795-2100.
For any substantial damage, please consult our ordinances that pertain to it: For the full Floodplain Ordinance please refer to this link:
Natural areas are an excellent use of floodplains. Attached to Mazomanie through Lion’s Park, there are 317 acres of land in its natural state forming Walking Iron County Park. It has a large amount of natural activities available: Dane County also has a list of rules for their parks to protect their natural condition: Please use this link for a map of this park: